Thursday, July 27, 2006

In My Home This Week

This week has been an adventure of sorts, as usual. Probably not interesting to anyone else, just life here. I keep waiting for things to "settle down" but it does not appear as if that will happen this summer! Perhaps I am starting to look forward to school- for the routine.

Coley had a big week. We have Girl Guides from England visiting our Girl Scout Council. She went on a bus trip with them to LR. They had a busy few days, but I think she enjoyed herself. She is quite tired this evening and came home with a bit of a sunburn. There is nothing more beautiful than the sight of a loved one you haven't seen in a while! I know I have her with me all the time and she was just gone for two nights but it seemed like a week. They went to the Capital, the Clinton Library, the water park, and I think her favorite...the mall. It is good to have my baby girl back home. I was able to bring her friend Bekah and her little sister to pick Cole up and I think it was a nice surprise for her.

Bethany was very eager for her sister to come home. She missed her so much. When we took Cole on the day they left Bethany helped her take her things on the bus and pick out a seat. We took a picture of them in front of the bus. She was very busy inspecting the bus. I think she expected a school bus, but it was chartered and the bathroom impressed her very much. :) (Think how much time that would save Mama!) We prayed with Cole before she left and she was quiet on the way home and didn't want to eat her lunch. She missed her sister already.
Tonight she was so happy to see her! It was sweet. We went to the Welcoming Ceremony and she had a blast. There were tables set up and decorated to represent different countries with food and crafts, etc. It was right up her alley. She made her rounds and visited with everyone, making new friends.

Audrey, bless her heart, had a rough week. She started running a 103 temp on Monday and it did not go away until Wednesday. Last night I had put the two little ones in Cole's bed because Audrey had an accident on their bed at naptime. She had slept in Cole's room before and never had a problem, but she rolled out of bed. The big thump and cries woke us up. Barry went to rescue her. I was sitting up in bed and he brought her to me. He had examined her in the hallway light and noticed her lip was busted. He brought me a washrag and I attempted to clean her up but she was already going back to sleep. This morning I was washing the dried blood off her mouth (I could see a little more clearly at seven than I could at four!) when I realized that she had busted all the way through her chin in two places! Ouch! We don't know if she hit it on the hardwood floor or on the corner of the dressing table or what. Not only that, I also noticed she has a bad case of thrush.

She hasn't had thrush since I was nursing her, but she was on antibiotics for a really bad double ear infection a few weeks ago so that probably brought it on. So, now she is off sugar and all juice, etc. No sugar to feed the yeast. I am feeding her yogurt with acidophilus capsules emptied into it twice a day. I am going to do this for a month and see how it goes. I also read that 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in one cup of distilled water swabbed on the thrush would help but I am afraid it would hurt her mouth. Brushing her teeth started the tears today-the toothpaste hurt. We also had a couple of food incidents. I am putting antibiotic ointment on it and I pray it heals quickly.

This week I have been reading Managers of Their Chores... A Practical Guide to Children's Chores by Steven and Teri Maxwell. ( I am hoping to finish it this weekend and then I will re-read Managers of their Homes (scheduling). I want this to be our best school year yet. I want to be a more "fruitful vine" this year! I had a schedule when Bethany was younger and then let it slip away. I made a new one before Audrey was born and it fell by the wayside after her birth. I don't think I was flexible enough after having the girls. I tried to do too much and wore myself out. I am going to try again and spend more time in prayer before I start on it all. I would love to have an afternoon to sit down with Barry and make out a schedule for the girls and myself and our chore chart. He has a much more grounded personality and where I tend to go all the way with something, he is much better about having a balanced view. I love having his guidance.

My "ever so tolerant of me" friend J. will be out of town until next Wednesday. I pray she has a good time and a safe trip. I always miss her when she is gone. I can call her and say the silliest things and she just laughs or tells me not to worry she is praying for me or gives wonderful sage advice. She is a treasure. My favorite and most memorable sweet thing that she said was this. I cannot even remember what the problem was, it may have been Beth's latex or wheat allergy, but she said, "What can we do about this?" Not what are YOU going to do, what can WE do. I think the Lord gave her to me to teach me how to be a better friend. She sets a wonderful example because she has a servant's heart.

So even though I am looking slightly forward to having a schedule, chore chart and starting school again, I always feel a tad nervous (okay a LOT nervous) with the prep that is involved in these things. Since I completely realize this about myself I have picked a verse to get me through the next few weeks. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Philippians 4:13) I will be repeating that to myself a lot in the upcoming weeks!

I have a little one who is waking up so I will go...

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