Sunday, September 16, 2007

He Knows My Name

Sydra (my sister-in-law) and Cole sing a song, "He Knows My Name," that is just beautiful. "He knows my name, every step that I take, every move that I make, every tear that I cry..." When I listen to it I feel humbled by the fact that my Heavenly Father knows my name. He knows me inside and out, every mistake I make, every victory I celebrate, every seemingly insignificant event in my life is noticed by the very God who created the Heavens and the earth.

"He knows my name, when I'm overwhelmed by the pain, Cannot see the light of day, I know I'll be just fine, cause He knows my name." This song also drives home a point for me that took me years to realize. The world seeks to convince you that if you have the right person, the right job, the right house, the right car, whatever- that you will be happy. This is perhaps the hardest lesson I learned after becoming a Christian. Nothing other than God can make me happy. I have wonderful children, a kind and loving husband; I am happier than I ever thought I could be. All of this is great, but when I am out of sync with God I find that none of it pleases me. When I am not right with Him, there is a longing in me that cannot be filled.

When they sing that song it reminds me that only God knows me fully, only He watches over me with complete love and devotion. Everything and everyone else, no matter how loved or how precious to me, is temporal. God is the only lasting one that I have.


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