Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Just Today

I had to take Beth to town today for a birthday party, so I dropped by school and turned in my tutoring request forms. The lady at the LAC is SO sweet. She was really encouraging and also gave me information about drop in tutoring. They have quite a few sessions a week and I can go to as many as I am able to.

The bread was a hit today. Barry said that it smelled wonderful, he could smell it even before he was in the house. I will post the recipe on Petite Maman.

I found some books today that I had ordered during the summer that I wanted to use this year. Just supplemental things, but it still bothered me that I had forgotten about them completely!

The weather is clear tonight, but it is a very chilly 24 degrees. We had a tea time today. This weather begs for warm and cozy activities. Audrey, our only non tea drinking girl, had her favorite cranberry juice.

I am done with work for the week. It is so nice to have it over. I have big plans for the rest of this week...now to get them accomplished! (I think I need to log off here to get anything done!)

Oh! I discovered that a homeschool mom and friend of mine has an excellent blog...you should visit it. I found hers while visiting The Taggs blog. (Another must read!)


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