Read the above title in sing-song and you know how I feel today. I do not know if this falls into the normal or weird category, but I love ordering our homeschool books every year. I feel like I did when I used to browse the Sears & Roebuck Christmas catalog as a child. (Very much akin to how it feels when I look at a seed catalog in late winter!) My favorite is Rainbow Resource. They have simply everything and it is cheaper. It is truly rare that I cannot find something I want in their catalog. I start out with my pre-printed wants & needs form - I think there is one like it on Donna Young's site. I have one for each child and I make my wants list. Then I go back through, total everything and see what I need to purge (if anything) to stay within budget. Of course, I first have to visit the bookshelves to see what I have left from the previous child. Perhaps that would be a good summer project. Cataloging curriculum by grade and putting it up. Hmmm..... Add that to the project list.
I love browsing the Rainbow Resource catalog :D. I just got it in the mail the other day too hehe. I already have the stuff or next year because I order when we get our taxes back. That way it doesn't hurt our checking account so much LOL. But I am looking through the catalog for the following years stuff LOL. So you are not alone in loving that LOL.
Found your blog through busybusymoms blog :)
I love school book shopping too.
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