Sunday, January 02, 2011

Out with the old, in with the new (especially if it was on sale!)

I really like my Christmas wreath. It isn't especially fancy, but it was a labor of love. One year I found a sheer red ribbon with snowflakes on clearance. I kept that ribbon for several years, hoping to find some use for it. Then I found cute little wooden snowflake cutouts. A little paint and some smushing of not-quite-enough ribbon and I made a personalized family Christmas wreath.

However, it is time to put the Christmas things away. I found this lovely wreath on sale at Wal-Mart for $3.75. I think it has a great wintry look, without being too holiday-ish.

It is kind of funny that I am decorating my door when it is currently painted three different colors. (I tried to crop it all out, but it was not possible!) I tend to do that when I am choosing a color, which leads my husband to say things like "Can't you just tape up paint samples," "I like that color best," and "When are you going to paint the whole thing," "It will look nice when you are finished."

The wreath is just one of the great finds I scored this past week. For less than $50 I have beautiful ornaments for our annual family ornament exchange. At 50-70% off I can afford high quality ornaments that will cause a nice friendly fight at the dirty Santa breakfast. All of my wrap and ribbon is stored away for next year, as well as some extra little gifts. Shopping at this time helps me extend my giving to those who I want to show affection and appreciation, but may not be in our budget...such as Sunday school teachers, our wonderful mail-lady Ms. Debbie, and any drop in visitors that may pop up. These go in my gift box to be saved for the right moment. My absolute favorite two things are my clearance Grinch t-shirt for the annual Grinch party and the beautiful paper-mâché skates that can been seen in the post below. On my list of places to hit after Christmas are: The Now and Then Shoppe, Kohl's, Target, T.J. Maxx, and Wal-Mart.

One of my resolutions for the new year is to spend smarter, maximizing my dollars to bless more people and make the most of what God has given.

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